Secrets Of Video Marketing Haute Cuisine: Boosting Conversion And Signups In 5 Steps

Cooking a decent dish that will be eaten up and thanked for is not an easy task. This skill comes with experience and is almost unachievable if ingredients are openly bad. The same applies to building reputation and promoting your business. You need some knowledge to boost traffic, attracts customers and increase conversions. Once you know the tricks, the process gets almost automatic and all you need is good services and components to make a dish worth of a master chef.

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One of these ingredients of promotion are videos. There are different types of videos, so read through the ingredients list to know what and when to add. Just be sure to obtain videos from the most reputable and experienced company you can reach out to, so that one rotten piece did not scare away potential customers and social media followers.

A good video can significantly boost conversions, and a bad one will repeal the most eager customer – if it is the first thing he or she finds on the page.

Recipe #1.

Start with a walk-through video to introduce your product to customers and to show them everything they might want to know. This type of videos helps to attract new customers and people who might look for this kind of product.

Recipe #2.

Add how-to videos. They are different from walk-through videos in that they show what can be done with help of the product rather than show the product itself. For example, a video tutorial on cooking something tasty with help of some appliance or specific foodstuff is a how-to video. A video telling what this kitchen appliance is and what are its parameters and functions is a walk-through video. This is like a user’s manual but presented in visual and engaging form, with as many useful details and data provided as possible. How-to video engages the audience that looked for the lateral idea anchored in the video (a recipe of some dish) but immediately sparks interest in your target product that is implicitly advertised along the way.

Types of videos to season your company presentation: walk-through videos, how-to’s, product description videos, testimonies, and video ads. Mix them carefully into your marketing strategy and wait for the traffic to boil and babble over the top.

Recipe #3.

Pour in product description videos. In contrast to walk-through videos, product description videos are aimed at catching attention and persuading customers. So this description should say why the product stands out and outshines any other similar product. This type of videos is also called explained videos, and these videos must dazzle and start the vibe from the very beginning. It is less detailed and technical than walk-through videos and does not introduce extra information like how-to videos. It just catches the attention of customers and highlights the main concept of the product in the most advantageous way.

Recipe #4.

Mix in some video testimonies that show how real people used the product and saw their problems solved immediately (or gradually). Testimony of real customers or even of some celebs (if it is possible to recruit them for your video) is really inspiring and increases conversions significantly. Just be sure to create testimonies that maintain informal friendly tone, like conversation over a cup of coffee. Glamorized and overly formal presentation looks very much like explicit ad. This is not what potential customers want to see in testimonials.

Recipe #5.

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Season with professionally made video ads. If shown in right time and right place to the right audience, they work wonders. Super Bowl ads cost much but bring millions in revenue. Short video ads specifically designed for 15-second video format in Instagram or 6-second Vines are invaluable in reaching younger audience that prefers social media to any other source of information. Just be sure to carefully define your target audience and reach it via appropriate video channel. Otherwise finds spent on social media videos will not bring you any new traffic or conversions.
